A View from the Highlands: Archaeology and Settlement History of West Sumatra, Indonesia

A View from the Highlands: Archaeology and Settlement History of West Sumatra, Indonesia
Date of publication:  2019
Publisher:  ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Number of pages:  234
Code:  NSC31
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814843010
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About the publication

This book analyses the rise of the settlement system in the heartland of the Minangkabau region in the highlands of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It explores the regional settlement pattern arising from Adityavarman’s highland interregnum (c. 1347–75), and provides the first attempt to place the archaeological remains and the landscape of Tanah Datar, a fertile plain in the highlands of West Sumatra, in a cultural historic synthesis. The core of this research consisted of excavations at Bukit Gombak and Bukit Kincir. Bukit Gombak was a central place in Adityavarman’s kingdom, and provides evidence of the organization and material development of this political entity. Surveys uncovered other settlements that could be examined in relation to each other and to sites from earlier and later periods, and used to sketch out the settlement history of Tanah Datar from prehistoric times to the colonial period. The book consists of detailed studies of metal, ceramics and glass finds by laboratory-based specialists as well as careful descriptions of stone, clay and other finds.


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