Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics

N Ganesan, editor
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814379946
"Historical institutional (HI) analysis has become a prominent methodological tool for estimating the impact of institutional variation on outcomes. Areas of study from finance to business to political science have applied HI to investigations, and Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics places itself firmly within this literature by providing several strong cases for examining Southeast Asian politics through the HI lens. There are several notable contributions offered by this book. First, while HI analysis is an often divergent field with little methodological consistency, Ganesan's outstanding explanation of why and how the methodology is being applied puts readers, even those who may be unfamiliar with HI, at ease. Additionally, by firmly establishing a methodology in the beginning, Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics avoids the lack of cohesion often present within edited volumes. A second strength of the book is that while the cases do not reveal much in the way of new information, they do provide unique analyses. A third strength resides in how the authors challenge existing literatures' tendency to focus only on change when studying significant historical events. The book reveals through its numerous cases examples that considerable insight can be gained from observing instances of continuity, especially in cases where change is expected. Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics stands as a solid contribution to HI literature and offers informative and original insights to the cases. Moreover, the book represents a thought-provoking investment that encourages discussion and opens a doorway for further work" (Pacific Affairs).
About the publication
In their evolution of political structures and life, countries often undergo significant conjunctures, major events that reorder political structures and norms. The examination of such conjunctures offers an important methodological framework to uncover and document changes that have significantly altered the political template of a country. This collection of case studies examines the critical conjunctures that have affected the countries of Southeast Asia in recent decades. Each chapter traces the antecedent conditions prior to the event, describes the changes brought about by the conjuncture, and details the lasting legacy.
Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814379953] -
Preliminary pages
1. Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asian Politics, by N Ganesan, author
2. (Re)Assessing the EDSA “People Power” (1986) as a Critical Conjuncture, by Rommel A Curaming, Lisandro Claudio, authors
3. The Road to Doi Moi in 1986: Domestic Dimensions, by Ta Minh Tuan, author
4. The 1988 Uprising in Myanmar: Historical Conjuncture or Praetorian Redux?, by Tin Maung Maung Than, author
5. Cambodia’s Historical Conjunctures and their Significance, by Ramses Amer, author
6. Changing the Rules: Historical Conjuncture and Transition in Indonesia, by Ehito Kimura, author
7. The Resistible Rise of Thaksin Shinawatra: Crisis, Change and the Collapse of Thailand’s Democracy, by Federico Ferrara, author
8. The March 2008 General Election in Malaysia as a Historical Conjuncture, by Johan Saravanamuttu, author
9. Conclusion: Conjunctures and Continuities in Southeast Asia, by N Ganesan, author