Southeast Asian Affairs 1993

Southeast Asian Affairs 1993
Daljit Singh, editor
Date of publication:  2003
Number of pages:  372
Code:  SEAA93


  • Preliminary pages with Tribute to Professor Kernial S Sandhu, 1929-92, by Paul Wheatley, Wang Gungwu, authors
  • 1. A Political Overview of Southeast Asia, by Jamie Mackie , contributor
  • 2. New Directions for Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, by Sree Kumar, contributor
  • 3. Japan as a Non-Military Global and Regional Power, by Charles E Morrison , author
  • 4. AFTA and NAFTA and the Need for Open Regionalism, by Robert L Curry, Jr., contributor
  • 5. Southeast Asian Oil and Gas: Coming of Age, by Tilak K Doshi, author
  • 6. Negara Brunei Darussalam in 1992: Celebrating the Silver Jubilee, by A Mani , contributor
  • 7. Cambodia 1992: Hopes Fading, by Gary Klintworth, contributor
  • 8. The Return of the Khmer Rouge, by Jacques Bekaert, contributor
  • 9. Indonesia in 1992: Anticipating Another Soeharto Term, by Tan Chee Leng, contributor
  • 10. The Emerging in Indonesian Managerial Elite: Professionals amid Patriarchs, by Ahmad D Habir, contributor
  • LAOS
  • 11. Laos 1992: At the Crossroads, by Ng Shui Meng , contributor
  • 12. Malaysia: The Mahathir Supremacy and Vision 2020, by Chandran Jeshurun, contributor
  • 13. Islamization and Legal Reform in Malaysia: The Hudud Controversy of 1992, by Maria Luisa Seda-Poulin, contributor
  • 14. Myanmar 1992: Heading for "Guided Democracy"?, by Gunter Siemers, contributor
  • 15. Transition and Continuity in the Philippines, 1992, by Julius Caesar Parrenas, author
  • 16. The Philippine Economy In 1992, by Dante B Canlas, contributor
  • 17. Singapore 1992: Continuity and Change, by Raj Vasil, author
  • 18. Singapore Coping with a Maturing Economy, by Wong Poh Kam, author
  • 19. Thailand 1992: Repression and Return of Democracy, by Surin Maisrikrod, author
  • 20. Vietnam 1992: Economic Growth and Political Caution, by Russell Hiang-Khng Heng, author
  • 21. The Vietnamese Military's Changing Role, by Hollis C Hebbel, author

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