APEC in the 21st Century

"A valuable aspect of this book is that it covers areas, which the writers argue, have been under-researched up to now. For example, in chapter two, investigating trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation, Chen-Sheng Ho concentrates on Collective Action Plans (CAPS) which, he notes, have not been evaluated to the same extent as Individual Action Plans (IAPs). In another chapter, Ramkishen S. Rajan investigates the effects of 'unhedged exposure to short-term foreign currency denominated debt' which leads to curtailments in banks lending due to the burden of large, non-performing loans. Again, Rajan argues that this aspect of international financial flow has not been given sufficient attention in assessments of the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. The book is a very thorough analysis of important aspects of APEC's activities and is a very valuable contribution to the academic debate" (Aseasuk News).
About the publication
APEC in the 21st Century
Preliminary pages
1. APEC's Achievements and Tasks, by Ippei Yamazawa , author
2. APEC's TILF Agenda: Progress and Future Directions, by Chen-Sheng Ho, author
3. Economic and Technical Cooperation in APEC: A New Beginning or an Old Revised Agenda?, by Medhi Krongkaew, author
4. Trading with Favourites: Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific, by Christopher Findlay, Mohd Haflah Piei, Mari E Pangestu, authors
5. Preferential Trading Arrangements in the Western Hemisphere, by Fernando Gonzalez-Vigil, author
6. The Implications of China's Accession into the WTO, by Deepak Bhattasali, Masahiro Kawai, authors
7. International Financial Flows and Regional Financial Safeguards in East Asia, by Ramkishen S Rajan, author
8. Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia, by Masahiro Kawai, Shujiro Urata, authors
About the Contributors