Transforming Borneo: From Land Exploitation to Sustainable Development

Transforming Borneo: From Land Exploitation to Sustainable Development
Date of publication:  2023
Publisher:  ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Number of pages:  358
Code:  BM618
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789815011647
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"This book should be compulsory reading for anyone interested in the geography, history, and economics of land use change in Southeast Asia, for at least four reasons."

"The book provides a comprehensive literature review across all the dimensions of transformation across these multiple jurisdictions, as illustrated by the very diverse and comprehensive bibliography which itself extends over 90 pages."

"The book covers developments in both Indonesian and Malaysian Borneo, and has much to offer potential readers interested in development and environmental issues in Southeast Asia or globally. Academics, journalists, activists and policymakers can all benefit from engaging with this book."

About the publication

“There is an energizing boldness in this synthesis: the right big-picture questions aligning all the way down to the right complexities on the ground, and across the diverse territories that comprise contemporary Borneo. A manifesto for the kinds of cross-sectoral and applied research that can make the difference to the future of Borneo.” 
Cynthia Ong, Chief Executive Facilitator, Forever Sabah 

“A surgical and timely compendium on the transformation of Borneo’s forests and land use with clear regional implications. If you care about the future of conservation in this part of the world, you will find all the key ingredients here for its salvation.” 
Gopalasamy Reuben Clements, Professor at Sunway University, Co-founder of Nature-Based Solutions 

“A perspective about balancing the future amidst the need for economic and social development while providing a better and more sustainable Borneo. It is something that you will need to help drive home change and make a sustainable impact for people and planet without compromising profit.” 
Timothy Ong, Head of Circular Bio-economy Unit, Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)


  • Transforming Borneo: From Land Exploitation to Sustainable Development
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789815011654], by Goh Chun Sheng, Lesley Potter, authors
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Recapping the Five Decades of Land-Based Development
  • 3. Boosting Upstream Productivity of Cash Crops
  • 4. Activating Underutilized Low-Carbon Land
  • 5. Upgrading and Diversifying Downstream Industries
  • 6. Certifying Industrial Cash Crops for Sustainability
  • 7. Creating New Domestic Demand for Cash Crops
  • 8. Enhancing Landscape Resilience
  • 9. Commodifying Ecosystem Services
  • 10. Establishing Eco-based Tertiary Sectors
  • 11. Marketing Products from Smallholdings
  • 12. Encouraging Traditional Land-Use Systems for Self-Sufficiency and Sustainability
  • 13. Venturing into the Era of the Digital Revolution
  • 14. Moving Forward
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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