ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol. 4/1 (Jul 1987). Special focus on "Non-Tariff Barriers and Trade in ASEAN"

ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol. 4/1 (Jul 1987). Special focus on "Non-Tariff Barriers and Trade in ASEAN"
Aurora Sanchez, editor
Date of publication:  July 1987
Number of pages:  131
Code:  AE4/1


  • Preliminary pages with preface
  • Non-Tariff Barriers in ASEAN-Japan and Intra-ASEAN Trade, by Aurora Sanchez, author
    With the erosion of tariffs as instruments of protection resulting from multilateral trade negotiations, trading nations have increasingly resorted to the use of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to insulate domestic industries from foreign competition. This paper reviews the studies undertaken to examine the nature and extent of NTBs in ASEAN-Japan and intra-ASEAN trade in manufactures, highlighting those that have figured prominently in ASEAN's trade transactions with Japan and with each other.
  • Singapore-Japan Trade Frictions: A Study of Japanese Non-Tariff Barriers, by Lim Hua Sing, author
    Japan has been accused of imposing non-tariff barriers (NTBs) on imports of foreign products. NTBs form an important part in defining the closed and protectionist market in Japan. This paper identifies through a comprehensive survey of Singapore exporters and manufacturers and, to a lesser extent, Japanese importers and distributors several suspected NTBs and examines them in detail. Singapore's lopsided trade relationship with Japan can be rectified if Japan is willing to look into measures to eliminate NTBs. On the other hand, it is an undeniable fact that Singapore's exporters and manufacturers have also created their own NTBs by ineffectively and less aggressively exploring the Japanese market.
  • Philippines-Japan Trade Frictions: A Study of Non-Tariff Barriers, by Benjamin Estoista Diokno, author
    This paper is a study of the extent and nature of the non-tariff barriers (NTBs) facing Philippine exporters to Japan. The study finds that the main barrier to Philippines-Japan trade is the difficulty of Philippine exporters to meet Japanese market demands. While the focus of the study has been on Japanese NTBs, interviews with Philippine exporters reveal the existence of NTBs on the Philippine side, namely, those related to Philippine Government regulations and control measures and to characteristics of Philippine exporters.
  • Non-Tariff Barriers in Japan: The Case of Thai Frozen Marine Products, by Juanjai Ajanant, author
    This article examines whether NTBs have been serious impediments to trade in one of Thailand's most valuable export items to Japan frozen marine products. The presence of Japanese NTBs has been noted in the survey results for instance, quotas are imposed on frozen squid, and frozen shrimp are subject to stringent quality regulations. Japan maintains that Thai frozen seafood products are of poor quality but Thai exporters believe that their products conform to Japanese standards.
  • Indonesia-Japan Trade Frictions: A Study of Japanese Non-Tariff Barriers, by Bob Widyahartono, author
    This study examines the existence, extent, and impact of NTBs as perceived by Indonesian exporters to Japan. Survey results indicate that with the exception of customs problems and a number of import quotas which many regard as discriminatory, the majority of respondents find most NTBs in trade with Japan to be non-discriminatory. However, trade between Indonesia and Japan can be enhanced with the elimination of existing NTBs.
  • Non-Tariff Barriers to Expanding Intra-ASEAN Trade: Malaysia's Perceptions, by Rahman Ibrahim, Mansor Md Isa, authors
    The paper specifies the perceptions of Malaysian exporters with regard to the non-tariff barriers they face in trade within ASEAN, and highlights, using a case study approach, those NTBs that have had a significant impact on intra-ASEAN trade expansion. Malaysian exporters have faced two main types of NTBs in exporting to ASEAN countries quantitative restrictions and customs problems. Between the two, customs problems have been the major concern of exporters.
  • Non-Tariff Barriers to Expanding Intra-ASEAN Trade, by Ooi Guat Tin, author
    This study identifies and evaluates the non-tariff barriers encountered by Singapore manufacturers/exporters in their trade with ASEAN countries. Interviews of Singapore manufacturers/exporters suggest that customs procedures customs clearance, customs valuation, and customs classification are the NTBs mostly frequently encountered in ASEAN. Respondents consider NTBs, specifically those they find discriminatory, as having limited sales growth or having increased the cost of exporting and having a psychologically deterrent effect on both current and potential exporters.
  • DOCUMENTATION: ASEAN and Japan on the Eve of the 21st Century. Speech by Hajime Tamura, Bangkok, 15 January 1987
  • DOCUMENTATION: ASEAN Economic Co-operation: The Tasks Ahead. Report of a Colloquium held in Singapore, 27-28 February 1987
  • ASEAN Chronology 1987
  • Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars
  • Some Recent Publications

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