Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 9/3 (Dec 1987)

Date of publication:
December 1987
Number of pages:
Preliminary pages
China and Southeast Asia: The Problem of a Perceptional Gap, by Chang Pao-Min, author
ASEAN's Prospective Security Role: Moving Beyond the Indochina Fixation, by Tim J Huxley, author
Access to Southeast Asian Waters by Naval Powers: Some Problems and Ambiguities, by Lee Yong Leng, author
ASEAN and SAARC Revisited: More Lessons, by Michael Antolik, author
The Role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand: Some Preliminary Observations, by John Funston, author
BOOK REVIEW: Readings in Malaysian Politics edited by Bruce Gale, by Omar Farouk Bajunid, author
BOOK REVIEW: Industrialization and Labour Force Processes: A Case Study of Peninsular Malaysia by T. G. McGee et al., by Donald K Crone , author
BOOK REVIEW: Cory: Profile of a President by Isabelo T Crisostomo, by Serafin D Talisayon, author
BOOK REVIEW: The Search for a Negotiated Settlement of the Vietnam War by Allan E Goodman, by Peter Van Ness, author