Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 3/4(Mar 1982)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 3/4(Mar 1982)
Date of publication:  March 1982
Number of pages:  99
Code:  CS3/4


  • Preliminary pages
  • Lesser Current: The Election Ritual and Party Consolidation in the People's Republic of Kampuchea, by Roger Kershaw, author
  • Evaluating Alternative Land Schemes in Malaysia: FELDA and FELCRA, by Ozay Mehmet, author
  • Cassava in Indonesia: its Economic Role and Use as Food, by John A. Dixon, author
  • Tourist Destination Areas in Bali, by Antonia Hussey, author
  • The Vietnam-Kampuchea Question: A View, by John Girling, author
  • Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and the Geopolitics of Global Balance, by Lim Joo-Jock, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: Statements by Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad
  • Coalition of Three Kampuchean Resistance Forces
  • BOOK REVIEW: Malaysia Development Pattern and Policy, 1947-1971. By V.V. Bhanoji Rao, by Donald R Snodgrass, author

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