Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs Vol. 10/4 (March 1989)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs Vol. 10/4 (March 1989)
Date of publication:  March 1989
Number of pages:  106
Code:  CS10/4


  • Preliminary pages
  • Riding the Vietnamese Tiger, by S Rajaratnam, author
    This article explores the implications for ASEAN of the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. It argues that a Vietnam bogged down in Cambodia and lacking the wherewithal to finance its military occupation of Laos and Cambodia has swept Vietnam's earlier motives away. The counry was now talking the language of peaceful co-existence with its SEAsian neighbours. Examining the options and realities of the situation, the author concludes that the only feasible solution to the Cambodian problem is to allow the 'combat state' to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions.
  • The Pattern of ASEAN Summitry, by Michael Antolik, author
    The Manila Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), its third in twenty years, presented the occasion to ask whether a pattern can be found at this highest level of ASEAN diplomatic interaction. Moreover, the successful ASEAN diplomatic and political record of collaboration, when juxtaposed with this infrequency of meetings, presents a paradox to unravel, namely, how have these states supported co-operation with so few gatherings of their leaders? Other regional and functional international organizations, like the Organization for African Unity (OAU), the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), have committed themselves to regular schedules. The answer to both enquiries begins with characterizing ASEAN summitry as an instrument of public diplomacy rather than as a substantive political process.
  • The Relationship between Defence Spending and Economic Growth: Evidence for Indonesia, 1964-85, by P C Frederiksen, author
    Previous studies have assumed that defence spending caused economic growth. In a recent paper, Joerding concluded that defence expenditures were not exogenous, and that previous studies were thus flawed. This paper suggests that Joerding's results may have been an artifact of pooling and assuming an arbitrary lag structure. By examining data for Indonesia between 1964 and 1985, it is concluded that a feedback relationship exists between defence and growth, and that the optimal lag structure of the two variables will differ.
  • In Deference to De Gaulle: The French Approach to Security in the South Pacific, by Philip Methuen, author
    The contemporary French approach to security in the South Pacific reflects the continuing influence and assumed relevance of select aspects of General Charles de Gaulles forthright prescription for the pursuit of French interests in international relations. While French foreign and defence policy officials on the right and left of the political spectrum differ in terms of the intensity with which they apply Gaullist principles, they share a concern to stand firm on key issues such as the unique and unquestionable independence of French diplomatic, economic and military activity. In theory, these forms of activity are said to be complementary, providing a coherent and convincing approach to contingencies within and beyond Europe. In the South Pacific, however, French officials face a longstanding challenge by island critics who question the relevance of French methods, and support alternative policies based on regional requirements. France, therefore, faces a future in which relations with the island nations will continue to be hampered by the incompatibility of metropolitan tenets.
  • A Neglected Aspect of the Vietnam Conflict, by W D Sharpe, author
    A Chronology; Issues; Did It Make Any Difference?
  • BOOK REVIEW: Arms Control in Asia edited by Gerald Segal, by Chung in Moon, author
  • BOOK REVIEW: Malay Society in the late Nineteenth Century: The Beginnings of Change by J M Gullick, by Mohd Taib Osman, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: Political Parties Registration Law (Burma)
  • DOCUMENTATION: Law Relating to Forming of Organizations (Burma)
  • DOCUMENTATION: State Law and Order Restoration Council (Burma)
  • DOCUMENTATION: The Union of Burma Foreign Investment Law (Burma)

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