Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians

Leo Suryadinata, editor
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
More than 80 per cent of the Chinese outside China live in Southeast Asia and many of them have been integrated into the local societies. However, the resurgence of China and ethnic Chinese investments in their ancestral land have caused concern among some non-Chinese Southeast Asian elites. They have begun to question the position and identity of the Chinese population in their countries. Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians addresses these ethnic Chinese issues, including ethnic Chinese relations with China and with indigenous groups in the region. Written by leading scholars in Southeast Asia, including both ethnic Chinese and non-Chinese, the volume also explores the position of the ethnic Chinese in contemporary as well as the future Southeast Asia, providing readers with a most up-to-date and comprehensive study on the subject.
Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814379533] -
Preliminary pages
1. Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia: Overseas Chinese, Chinese Overseas or Southeast Asians?, by Leo Suryadinata, author
2. Comments, by Tan Chee Beng, author
3. The Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia: Issues of Identity, by Mely G. Tan, author
4. Comments, by A. Dahana, author
5. Malaysian Chinese: Seeking Identity in Wawasan 2020, by Lee Kam Hing, author
6. Comments, by Ahmat Adam, author
7. Ethnic Chinese in Myanmar & their Identity, by Mya Than, author
8. Comments, by Khin Maung Kyi , author
9. The Ethnic Chinese as Filipinos, by Teresita Ang-See, author
10. Comments, by Renato S. Velasco, author
11. From Overseas Chinese to Chinese Singaporeans, by Chiew Seen Kong, author
12. Comments, by A Mani , author
13. From Siamese-Chinese to Chinese-Thai: Political Conditions & Identity Shifts among the Chinese in Thailand, by Supang Chantavanich, author
14. Comments, by Anusorn Limmanee, author
15. Ethnic Chinese in Vietnam & their Identity, by Tran Khanh, author
16. Comments, by Ta Huu Phuong, author
Appendix: Women & Chinese Identity: An Exchange at the Closing Session of the Workshop, by Mely G. Tan, Wang Gungwu, Leo Suryadinata, Tan Chee Beng, authors