The Real Politik of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: From Uruguay to Cancun

The Real Politik of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: From Uruguay to Cancun
Margaret Liang, author
Date of publication:  2004
Number of pages:  9
Code:  WTO2/4

About the publication

The WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun in September 2003 was an important mid-point in the negotiations towards the realisation of the Doha Development Agenda. The failure of Cancun was a lost opportunity. If Cancun had succeeded, it would have set a clear political direction and framework and enhanced the chances for a successful conclusion of the Round by the mandated deadline of 1 January 2005. Instead, the outcome at Cancun has unfortunately set back the negotiations by two to three years. It will be no easy task to re-inject momentum into the multilateral process. But neither should this be a cause for dejection. This paper looks back at the negotiating dynamics, from when the Uruguay Round was launched, and analyses how the multilateral trading system has changed over time from GATT to the WTO. The paper also looks at some of the lessons learnt from the past and suggests possible future options for the WTO as Members attempt to bring the Doha Round negotiations back on track.


  • The Real Politik of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: From Uruguay to Cancun

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