Open Universities: An Asian Perspective

Seet Ai Mee, author
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
Today it is recognized the world over, and especially in Asia that education has not only a social and moral function but it is also an economic necessity. The education system generaly provides limited access to the rural poor and other disadvantaged groups, and to a certain extent contributes to inequalities in society. How does one provide wider access to education to the rural poor, to working adults, to women at home and to disadvantaged groups?
Open Universities: An Asian Perspective
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814414258] -
Preliminary pages
1. Introduction
2. Open Universities
3. The Quality of Distance Education
4. Science and Technology Teaching
5. Contining Professional Education
6. Costs of Distance Education
7. Concluding Remarks
Select Bibliography