Southeast Asian Affairs 1989

Preliminary pages
1. Southeast Asia In 1988: Portents for the Future, by Stephen Chee , author
2. The Market Economies of Southeast Asia: Market Forces on the Rise?, by Norbert Wagner, author
3. Japan's Role in the Context of the Emerging Asia-Pacific World, by Sueo Sudo, author
4. ASEAN Finance And Banking Trends In 1988, by U Tun Wai, author
5. Brunei Darussalam: Continuity and Tradition, by Abu Bakar Hamzah, author
6. Burma in 1988: Perestroika with a Military Face, by James F. Guyot, author
7. A Higher Profile For Indonesia, by Jon Halldorsson, author
8. Progress in Democratic Experiment in Indonesia?, by J Soedjati Djiwandono, author
9. Kampuchea: The Search for a Political Solution Gathers Momentum, by Friedemann Bartu, author
10. Economic Reform And Structural Change In Laos, by William E Worner, author
11. Malaysia in 1988: A Fractured Polity, by Stephen Chee , author
12. The Economic Upturn in Malaysia, by Mohd Ismail Ahmad, author
13. The Philippines in 1988: On a Hard Road to Recovery, by Alberto Posso, author
14. The Philippines: Managing Reform in a New Democracy, by Mario Antonio Lopez, author
15. Singapore in 1988: Uncertainties of A Maturing Polity, by Lew Eng Fee, author
16. The Post-Recessionary Singapore Economy: Performance and Prospects, by Toh Mun Heng, author
17. The End Of Premocracy In Thailand, by Yos Santasombat, author
18. Thailand: Miss Universe 1988, by Pasuk Phongpaichit, author
19. Vietnam: A Revolution in Transition, by William J Duiker III, author