Southeast Asian Affairs 1988

Southeast Asian Affairs 1988
M Ayoob, Ng Chee Yuen, editors
Date of publication:  1988
Number of pages:  314
Code:  SEAA88


  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Southeast Asia in 1987: Hope amidst Problems, by Bilveer Singh, author
  • 2. The Market Economies of Southeast Asia in 1987: Let Down by Agriculture, by Toh Kin Woon , author
  • 3. The Asean Summit of 1987: Searching for New Dynamism, by Donald K Crone , author
  • 4. The Question of Privatization in the Market Economies of Southeast Asia, by Antal Deutsch, author
  • 5. Brunei Darussalam In 1987: Coming to Grips with Economic and Political Realities, by D S Ranjit Singh, author
  • 6. Burma in 1987: Twenty-Five Years after the Revolution, by Tin Maung Maung Than, author
  • 7. The 1987 Election in Indonesia, by Harry Tjan Silalahi, author
  • 8. The Indonesian Economy: Structural Adjustment after the Oil Boom, by Heinz W Arndt, Hal Hill, authors
  • 9. Towards a Kampuchean Peace Settlement: History and Dynamics of Sihanouk's Negotiations, by Gareth Porter, author
  • LAOS
  • 10. Laos In 1987: Socialist Dependence and Underdevelopment, by Geoffrey C Gunn, author
  • 11. Malaysia in 1987: Challenges to the System, by Kenneth James , author
  • 12. The "Battle Royal": The UMNO Elections of 1987, by A B Shamsul, author
  • 13. The Philippines in 1987: Beating Back the Challenge of August, by Belinda A Aquino, author
  • 14. The Philippine Economy: Recovery and Prospects for High, Sustained Growth, by Edita A Tan, author
  • 15. Singapore in 1987: Political Reforms, Control, and Economic Recovery, by Jon S T Quah, author
  • 16. The Singapore Economy in 1987, by Linda Low, author
  • 17. Thailand's Year of Stability: Illusion or Reality?, by Kusuma Snitwongse, author
  • 18. The Thai Economy in 1987: An Overview, by Ruangthong Chaiprasop, author
  • 19. Vietnam in 1987: A Wind of "Renovation", by Vo Nhan Tri, author

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