Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2002-2003

Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
Launched in 1992, Regional Outlook is an annual publication of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, published every January. Designed for the busy executive, professional, diplomat, journalist or interested observer, Regional Outlook aims to provide a succinct analysis of current political and economic trends shaping the region, and the outlook for the prospective two years. This forward-looking book contains focused political commentaries and economic forecasts on all ten countries in Southeast Asia, as well as a select number of topical pieces of significance to the region.
Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2002-2003
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812306593] -
Preliminary pages
I. POLITICAL OUTLOOK 2002-2003: The Asia-Pacific Geopolitical Setting, by Daljit Singh, author
I. POLITICAL OUTLOOK 2002-2003: The ASEAN-6, by A V M Horton, Anthony L Smith, K S Nathan, Emiliano P. Bolongaita, Jr., Derek da Cunha, John Funston, authors
I. POLITICAL OUTLOOK 2002-2003: Indochina and Myanmar, by Tin Maung Maung Than, Nick J Freeman, Russell Hiang-Khng Heng, authors
I. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 2002-2003: Regional Economic Trends, by Nick J Freeman, author
I. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 2002-2003: The ASEAN-6, by Denis Hew Wei-Yen, Soedradjad Djiwandono, Adrian Panggabean, Nick J Freeman, Sakulrat Montreevat, authors
I. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 2002-2003: Indochina and Myanmar, by Mya Than, Nick J Freeman, authors
Selected Sources of Data
The Contributors
- THEMATIC HIGHLIGHTS (contained in the sections above)
11 September 2001: The Impact on Southeast Asia, by Daljit Singh, author
East Timor: Brave New Society, by Anthony L Smith, author
China's Burgeoning Economy: Challenging or Opportunity for Southeast Asia?, by Nick J Freeman, author
Whither the U.S. Economy?, by Nick J Freeman, author
Reforming the Laws and Legal Institutions of Indonesia, by Rajenthran Arumugam, author
Malaysia's EPF Scheme, by Lee Hock Guan, author
Singapore and the New Regionalism, by Ramkishen S Rajan, author