Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia

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About the publication
This volume examines different ethnic configurations and conflict avoidance and resolution in five different Southeast Asian countries.
- Tin Maung Maung Than traces the history and impossibility of the current Myanmar regimes quest to integrate the various ethnic groups in the border regions while insisting on a unitary state with all real power kept to themselves.
- Rizal Sukma divides conflicts in Indonesia into horizontal (Kalimantan, Maluku and Sulawesi) and vertical ones (the Madurese versus the Dayaks) and assesses the prospects for peaceful resolution if the countrys fledgling democracy does not properly address them.
- Miriam Coronel Ferrer examines the conflicts in Mindanao against the apparent lack of willingness of Manila to come to terms with the root causes as well as the infusion of arms and ideology from outside.
- Zakaria Haji Ahmad and Suzaina Kadir analyse Malaysias relatively successful handling of an ethnically divided society, which has permitted impressive stability since 1969.
- Chayan Vaddhanaphuti focuses on the non-Thai border peoples of northern Thailand, noting the legacy of the governments policy of selective citizenship.
Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Preliminary pages with Introduction
1. Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia: Causes and the Quest for Solution, by Rizal Sukma, author
2. Ethnic Conflict, Prevention and Management: The Malaysian Case, by Zakaria Haji Ahmad , Suzaina Kadir, authors
3. Dreams and Nightmares: State Building and Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar (Burma), by Tin Maung Maung Than, author
4. The Moro and the Cordillera Conflicts in the Philippines and the Struggle for Autonomy, by Miriam Coronel Ferrer, author
5. The Thai State and Ethnic Minorities: From Assimilation to Selective Integration, by Chayan Vaddhanaphutti, author