Public Personnel Administration in Malaysia

Y. Mansoor Marican, author
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
This paper aims to provide an overview of personnel administration in the general public service of the Federation, commonly known as the Civil Service. Argues that personnel administration deserves high priority as "there is probably no more important single factor in successful administration than the securing of capable employees by the government". Items included in this study include Job Analysis and Classification, Salaries, Recruitment and Selection, Probation and Confirmation, Training, Transfers, Disciplinary Actions and Appeals, Promotion, Retirement, Pension and other Benefits and Relations with Employee Organizations. It lays bare to the reader the features of public personnel administration in Malaysia, including a brief background of the development of some of the features. Although the Malaysian system is a product of British colonialization, this paper shows that its contemporary fac has shown marked changes brought about by purely Malaysian inlfuences. It brings to the fore certain practices and techniques that other developing countries - in search of a relevant civil service system - could adopt.
Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Public Personnel Administration in Malaysia
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814377614]