China-ASEAN Trade Relations: A Discussion on Complementarity and Competition

China-ASEAN Trade Relations: A Discussion on Complementarity and Competition
Date of publication:  2005
Number of pages:  77
Code:  PIC143

About the publication

The bilateral trade relationship between China and ASEAN has improved substantially in recent years. Considering China's fantastic economic growth and its increasing role in the world economy, ASEAN countries are more cautious about China's presence. In order to promote mutual understanding, to continuously search for new fields and ways for cooperation, and to find possible approaches to attaining a propitious outcome of the competition, and ways to ameliorate adverse effects of the rivalry, this book examines the trade relations between China and ASEAN that will have great impact on the China-ASEAN relationship as a whole in the future.


  • China-ASEAN Trade Relations: A Discussion on Complementarity and Competition
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812306456]

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