Local Power and Politics in Indonesia: Decentralisation & Democratisation

Local Power and Politics in Indonesia: Decentralisation & Democratisation
Date of publication:  2003
Publisher:  ISEAS / RSPAS / CSIS / CSAS
Number of pages:  296
Code:  BM241


"... this book presents ... well documented 'snapshots' of decentralization in Indonesia.... Many of the papers in 'Local Power and Politics in Indonesia', and particularly those by Malley, Vedi Hadiz, Mietzner and Rohdewohld, leave little room for optimism regarding the chances for regional democracy" (Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde).

About the publication

Indonesia is experiencing an historic and dramatic shift in political and economic power from the centre to the local level. The collapse of the highly centralised Soeharto regime allowed long-repressed local aspirations to come to the fore. The new Indonesian Government then began one of the worlds most radical decentralisation programmes, under which extensive powers are being devolved to the district level. In every region and province, diverse popular movements and local claimants to state power are challenging the central authorities.
           This book is the first comprehensive coverage on decentralisation in Indonesia. It contains contributions from leading academics and policy-makers on a wide range of topics relating to democratisation, devolution and the blossoming of local-level politics.

Co-publication: ISEAS / RSPAS / CSIS / CSAS

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / RSPAS Australian National University / Centre for Strategic and International Studies / Center for Southeast Asian Studies


  • Local Power and Politics in Indonesia: Decentralisation & Democratisation
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Introduction: Decentralisation, Democratisation and the Rise of the Local, by Edward Aspinall, Greg Fealy, authors
  • 2. Political Update 2002: Megawati's Holding Operation, by Harold Crouch, author
  • 3. Economic Update 2002: Struggling to Maintain Momentum, by Mohamad Fahmi, author
  • 4. Regional Autonomy and Local Politics in Indonesia, by M Ryaas Rasyid, author
  • 5. Not Enough Politics! Power, Participation and the New Democratic Polity in Indonesia, by Hans Antlov, author
  • 6. What Is Happening on the Ground? The Progress of Decentralisation, by Arellano A Colongon, Jr, author
  • 7. New Rules, Old Structures and the Limits of Democratic Decentralisation, by Michael S Malley, author
  • 8. Power and Politics in North Sumatra: The Uncompleted Reformasi, by Vedi R Hadiz, author
  • 9. Who Are the Orang Riau? Negotiating Identity across Geographic and Ethnic Divides, by Michele Ford, author
  • 10. The Privatisation of Padang Cement: Regional Identity and Economic Hegemony in the New Era of Decentralisation, by Minako Sakai, author
  • 11. Coming Apart and Staying Together at the Centre: Debates over Provincial Status in Java and Madura, by George Quinn , author
  • 12. Changing the Cultural Landscape of Local Politics in Post-authoritarian Indonesia: The View from Blora, Central Java, by Amrih Widodo, author
  • 13. Between Rights and Repression: The Politics of Special Autonomy in Papua, by Rodd McGibbon, author
  • 14. Decentralisation and Women in Indonesia: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward?, by Hana A Satriyo, author
  • 15. Shifting Power to the Periphery: The Impact of Decentralisation on Forests and Forest People, by Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, author
  • 16. Business as Usual? The Indonesian Armed Forces and Local Politics in the Post-Soeharto Era, by Marcus Mietzner, author
  • 17. Decentralisation and the Indonesian Bureaucracy: Major Changes, Minor Impact?, by Rainer Rohdewohld, author
  • References, Index

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